Wednesday 30 December 2020

How to Build Logic in Computer Programming

  1. Read Problem 
  2. Understand Problem 
  3. Do Mind Mapping 
  4. Need Help?
  5. write Dummy code on page
  6. Test Dummy Data
  7. Update Code

 Hi Programmers!

I hope so you would be fine. Today i had come with idea such that how to build logic to solve any task in any of programming language such as in C#, C, C++, Python, JAVA and Many more. For it you should read, understand problem, draw a map in your mind and then build your code here you go the solution.

Read Problem:

First Step that we have to take is to read the problem or task Carefully. For it you should:

  1.  Highlight main point(what is Required) through ballpoint or highlighter.
  2. if Can't Highlight so read the problem for 5 times.

Understand Problem:

Main Points are highlighted in the first step in this step we should do:

  1. Link the important points with each other.
  2. shorter the whole scenario on a page by linking the important points.
After that step we are capable of visualizing the whole scenario in few points. These first two steps are very much important so do it carefully.

Do Mind Mapping:

In that step we visual Summarized Scenario. in that step we do:

  1. Visualize scenario is our mind.
  2. Link that in our mind.
  3. Draw a rough diagram such as how your algorithm will work.

Need Help?:

If you are not capable of even understanding the scenario or you can't visualize the shorter scenario so for it you should take help from:

  1. Sub-Conscious Mind: Be focused on mind and think about that problem.
  2. Internet
  3. Professor or Teacher

Write Dummy Code in Rough Page:

From step 3 and 4 what comes in your mind write dummy code on your page. Use comments for why that line of code is included.

Test Dummy Data:

Test the Written code or Algorithm through Dummy Data and through Different Aspects. If on all Aspects the output is come correct so your algorithm is right otherwise do step 7.

Update Code:

in Which aspect you fail analyze that by putting your eyes on line of code and comments. note that changes and repeat step 6,7 and 8.


how to build logic

 By following all of these steps you will be capable to solve any of complex task but you will need more and more practice,  "because Practice makes man Perfect".